Prevelance of Urinary Tract Infection in Nephrotic Syndrome

Keywords: Urinary Tract Infection. Nephrotic Syndrome.


Objective: To assess the prevalence ofurinary tract infection innephrotic syndrome.

Design: A descriptive study.

Place and Duration of study: Department of Pediatric Medicine, Combined Military Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. January 2003 to December 2009.

Patients and Methods: During the study,all children with nephrotic syndrome, irrespective of the stage of their disease, were evaluated for the presence of UTI with a 12 month follow up period.The ages ranged between 1-14 years.

Results: Out of the included 70 cases, between 1-14 years of age, 47 (67.1%) were boys and 23 (32.8%) girls in a ratio of 2.04:1.Twenty onepatients were newly diagnosed and the remaining 49children were known cases of nephrotic syndrome. Pyuria was seen in 22 (31.4%) cases, Covert bacteriuria in 32 (45.7%) and culture positive UTI in 18 (25.7%). Of the 18 culture positive cases, 13(72.2%) cases had primarily presented with a relapse, being treated with various immunosuppressive agents. Escherichia coliwas the commonest pathogen grown in 38.8% of the culture positive cases.

Conclusion: UTI may be a significant co-existing infection in children suffering from NS. It is usually difficult to diagnose but needs early recognition and treatment.

How to Cite
HASAN BN. Prevelance of Urinary Tract Infection in Nephrotic Syndrome. J Fatima Jinnah Med Univ [Internet]. 28Nov.2018 [cited 2May2024];6(4). Available from: